“What led you here?”

“What led me here today is that I love being here. It’s also my primary source of income. It is a sunny day. I am glad to come out and be here. But, there are a million things that brought me to playing and singing in the way that I do.”

“What is it that you love to do?”

“This. I love to sing. I love to express myself. I love to share what I think is beautiful.”

“Are there any challenges you have had to overcome with doing this?”

“Yeah. I think the greatest things that I have to overcome are within myself. Incredible things are possible if I can just get out of my own way.”

“If there was something you could tell another person who is facing challenges, what would it be?”

“Don’t get in your own way. It does depend on the person and their struggle. In general, I believe love is the answer.”

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Human Fight

A collection of stories, thoughts and actions that offer light and wisdom to overcome the dark areas of our lives. Help us shine the light.
