“Anger. Anger is something that I’ve had to deal with for the past eighteen years of my life. I got married and it has really helped me a lot. It’s helped me with my struggle against pornography. Strait truth. It has helped me with my anger. It’s hard for me to get mad at my wife because she’s such a wonderful woman. On top of that, I know what real love is. It’s these things that have no hope. It’s so temporary. You know it’s wrong. You know getting angry is wrong. You know watching pornography is wrong. You know doing drugs is wrong. You know alcohol is wrong. But, you do it because it feels good. No one can deny that. However, it’s hopeless. There is nothing there. You do those things and then you feel so guilty. That’s why it is nice to have that conscience. Stop doing those things that you know are wrong, or you have a problem. You know? I should deal with these stressors one way—which is right—and then I try to do it my own way. I try to deal with these things my own way. Whatever it may be. Whether it’s sitting watching Netflix for three hours—which I’m totally guilty of. Because I have to “destress.” But again, it’s so temporary. Netflix is great. I love it. Yes, that helps me relax, but only for a short time before you have to watch the next show and the next show and the next one. Whereas, if I were to look somewhere else for my hope, somewhere else to “destress,” and for help, it would last much longer. And I have learned that lesson. But, it is a daily battle.”

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Human Fight

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